Well, Women have reclaimed the word Slut, and we must move on, but is it something for Men to reclaim also? I ask you this. Of course technically it cannot be ‘reclaimed’ per se, but an idea for M is to adopt and artificially inseminate selves with the very same crammed and spiked specificity of our own nineteenth positioning. Performed non organically and immediate. IUI and ICI could take years. Turkey Baster? An exercise in shelving? A simple skin slash for entry point might do. Possibly ’S’ could be fixed on them like a fresh variety of hat – not new hat as in skill straddling, that is wrong, I speak solely of the head covering. Peek, Fez, Boater, Pork Pie, Casquette. To use the phrase Bestowed upon them would be wide off the mark as well. It – S – must appear to be riddled with falsities, inaccuracy, mendacity. Malice… Absolutely no honour.
You’re not thinking hard enough if your primary conception of M S target leans straight to the Gay Male. The actuality that gay men already don S as if parfum or fur coat plays no part in the proposed M(ale) adaptation of S(lut). It goes far beyond the shrieking glad-handler. Further inspection is required. Surely you notice the population of Gay Men lay heavily rooted from the depths of this couch, recliner, this 8 person seater. It is enjoyable for them; they are already sluts. It must be hand-balled to the least eligible or fitting. I call S to be on the bad-humoured G(eneral) P(ublic) M(ale). The M O(ne) P(asses) U(pon the) B(eef) R(oad in) M(ud) C(aked) S(malls), the M D(evouring) W(ildly at an) A(ll)Y(ou)C(an)E(at) R(estaurant), the S(un) K(issed) M on C(onstruction) S(ite), or your A(verage) M W(allpaper) N(ext) D(oor) N(eighbour). …And you’re mistaken again if sensing any kind of revenge. What exactly is revenge, anyway?
14 December, 2021
Rosanna, Victoria, Australia